Joshua Allison
HeadmasterSynergistically unleash unique manufactured products through covalent action items. Appropriately create cost effective strategic theme areas via web-enabled etailers.
Synergistically unleash unique manufactured products through covalent action items. Appropriately create cost effective strategic theme areas via web-enabled etailers.
Education is the manifestation of perfection and excellence. It has to be done jointly with equal commitment and enthusiasm.
Teachers facilitate the progress of education, but we need to promote learning by inspiring the teachers as well as the children together for a better schooling environment so that education will be a wonderful experience for the children.
To promote learning, we need to consider all the different developmental areas of children by taking care of their social, physical, intellectual, emotional and creative abilities.
Social - the ability to form attachments, play with others, co-operation and sharing, and being able to create lasting relationships with others.
Physical - Development of Motor Skills
Intellectual - The process of making sense of the world around them.
Creative - special abilities creates noteworthy talents. Music, art, writing, reading, and singing are some ways for creative development to take place.
Emotional - Development of self-awareness, self-confidence, and coping with feelings as well as understanding them.
When we consider the different developmental areas of children, we need to know the major stages of cognitive development:
Sensorimotor Stage: The ages of birth and two years of age. During this stage, which includes six distinct substages, intelligence is demonstrated through motor activity with limited use of symbols, including language; the infant’s knowledge of the world is primarily based on physical interactions and experiences.
Pre-operational Stage: The ages of 2 – 7 years. Intelligence is increasingly demonstrated through the use of symbols; memory and imagination are developed as language use matures; thinking is non-logical, non-reversible, and egocentric.
Concrete Operational Stage. The ages 7 and about 12 years. During this stage—characterized by conservation of number, length, liquid, mass, weight, area, volume—intelligence is increasingly demonstrated through logical and systematic manipulation of symbols relating to concrete objects; thinking is operational, reversible, and less egocentric.
Formal Operations Stage. The final stage of cognitive development is 12 and beyond. During this final stage, intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts; thinking is abstract, hypothetical, and early on, quite egocentric; it is commonly held that the majority of people never complete this stage.
To achieve these, suitable method of leaning is to be devised. Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori. Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological development, as well as technological advancements in society. The essential elements are: Mixed age classrooms (3 to 6 years old), Student choice of activity, Discovery models, Specialized educational materials
Montessori also observed four distinct periods, or "planes", in human development, extending from birth to six years, from six to twelve, from twelve to eighteen, and from eighteen to twenty-four
Off course, parents are the children's first and most important teacher. It is our responsibility to create a learning environment at home. Also to make them understand the importance of hard work, schooling and learning. How much quality time do we spend with the child is also to be considered for the child’s growth.
Both educational and co-curricular training are given throughout the hours of children spending their time in school. Each child is unique in ones talents, and hence the educational performance and grades alone are not the standard criteria for the child’s development. He should be a physically and mentally strong personality with human values and discipline.
We cannot purchase different skills required for the over all development of the child. We need to develop a positive attitude and relationship with children and patiently listen to their performances. The real child development happens only when there is a joint responsibility, meaning, a teacher cannot be replaced by the parent and vice versa.
MBA from Harvard Business School (2004)
Section UX & UI design (2008)